About Me
My passion for photography began in my 20’s at the same time I took my first trip overseas and my work continues to be inspired by my travels throughout the world.
As a fine art photographer, my work is characterized by a strong sense of composition; I apply a very left brained way of perceiving details and patterns to an equally imaginative right brained way of interpreting space.
My work has evolved throughout the years to include animal portraiture, but remains true to my fine art roots as I strive to offer viewers a different perspective and unique way of appreciating the beauty in my subjects.
As a dog owner and equestrian myself, I understand the strong emotional bonds that exist between humans and animals and every shoot strives to capture that special “spark” of communication between them. It goes without saying of course that I also understand the challenges associated with photographing subjects who have a mind of their own and the need to be flexible and go with the flow when things don’t always go as planned!
My unique approach to shoots takes full advantage of my ethnographic skills as a professional qualitative researcher. It’s important to spend time simply observing interactions – a typical session is often 1-2 hours in a variety of settings, making the comfort and needs of the animal my first priority.
My work can be found in numerous private and corporate collections, both locally and abroad and in 2018 I published my first book, “Photographs from Tanzania.” To see more of my work please be sure to follow me on Instagram to see my latest projects!